I like to paint.
Acrylic, canvas, paintbrush, tiny apartment, peanut butter cup, sugary carbonated drink...these are the essential elements to my evenings of visual creation.
I didn't discover my love for painting until 1998. It was always there, it just lay dormant for the years that I spent my time searching for creative fulfillment in other various avenues . Because I haven't quit my day job, finding dedicated hours to paint is few and far between. I find those creative hours on Friday evenings...every Friday evening, like clockwork, for the last 10 or so years. Call it a hobby, call it a passion, it's pure enjoyment to me.
Contact Info: Andy Proctor
Email: andyproctorart@gmail.com
Ph# (805) 320-7147
Please contact me with questions you may have about my art, in general, or in regards to purchasing my originals or prints.